Belly Button (About/FAQ)



I love entertaining. I have come to understand though, that not every gathering requires extensive planning, prepping and slaving over a stove. I hate being caught with nothing ‘worthy’ to offer a guest (mother did not raise me that way) even if they turn up unannounced and once I set a plate, I aim to impress.
To never be caught off guard, Crackers have become a staple in my arsenal (and pantry) for more than 15years and with this versatile biscuit as a base, I’m ready for anyone (including the Queen) to drop by.
Crix and Carr's Crackers
Every country has it’s biscuit of choice, in Trinidad ours is known as ‘Vital Supplies,’ a savory plain wheat cracker called CRIX that everyone ate growing up; Crix topped with condensed milk, salted cod, cheddar cheese, ham, sardines, guava jam, honey or with your fish broth or cow heel soup. Any day, any way. This plain cracker was such an everyday item, that more was expected when giving a snack to a guest. For me, enter the Table Water Cracker that bears Her Majesty The Queen’s crest; Carr’s.
Carr’s was granted the Royal Warrant to produce the delicious thin savory cracker in 1841 and have retained it to this day. With many varieties including a crispy, aromatic roasted garlic and herb (my favorite), and an Entertainment collection selection box with 9 of the favored varieties they produce, this remains top shelf yet affordable and easily attainable (carried by all the leading grocery chains).
My Snack Plate
While I have been spending a little extra on Carr’s, Bermudez, the manufactures of Crix has become wise to the market’s demand for fancier and trendier (health conscious) and introduced Whole Wheat and Multigrain versions of Crix and a small version in lunch box packs of Spinach and Pepper Cheese flavors. All yummy, wildly popular and so affordable that again a new generation calls it ‘vital’ (my ten year old requests them often) and the older generation finds new things to top it.
Packages of Carr's and Crix
So vital the biscuit, you can now buy a pack of Crix on and share your love for Crix by becoming a follower on the Crix Lovers Facebook page.
Trini’s away from home - you are not left out! Snack away Trinbago style.


  1. Congrats on launching your blog. Looking forward to reading more interesting articles.

    Nedyah from Russia :)

  2. Jeffrey Black29.9.10

    Extremely interesting and well researched

  3. Thanks. We try our best :-)
