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Want Sushi?

In the heart of the capital is a restaurant lined with grapevines, where the Parisian styled Bistro outdoor seating keeps you in step with the rhythm of lively Ariapita Avenue and one of its two bars serve something more than drinks.

If you want Sushi, to me this is the place to get it any day of the week.

Pieces of their Red Wine Roll
With a number of places serving Sushi in Trinidad (and growing), More Vino / More Sushi located towards the Western end of Ariapita Avenue in Port of Spain is one of the popular and more vibrant places to eat and hang out. It has also been my favorite casual dining restaurant of the last year. Why? Consistently fresh and well prepared Sushi.

GrapeVine Lined Entrance
Another Amazing More Sushi Creation
Sushi is one of my all time favorites. I crave it, have (and will) travel far for it - I mean like have taken a plane with the sole purpose of getting it (I kid you not) and have enjoyed many a week where a sushi meal has been had at least twice. Its one of those things I seek out to sample in every large city, in every corner of the world I visit. And no, raw fish does not taste the same every where. :-)

Executive Chef Shiyo Jujin 
sharpening his Masamoto Sushi Knife
 Their Lobster Roll (Yum!)
At More Sushi, the interesting variety of well made signature rolls (together with the usual suspects) and the inviting atmosphere is what brings me back again and again. Executive Chef Shiyo Jujin is approachable, knowledgable and warm, he and most of the other Chefs will answer silly sushi related questions and engage in polite conversation while remaining skillfully diligent at an art Chef Jujin says takes decades to perfect.

Sweet and Savory Teriyaki Chicken
Squid Salad - Light and Fresh
Sushi is something relatively new to our culture which tends to cook the heck out of our proteins. It is fairly popular, particularly with the younger crowd but to the older folks, like my parents, the concept is still too alien to truly embrace. Salmon is by far the Trinibagonian favorite, as sashimi or incorporated into rolls. As an appreciation for the good stuff is beginning to develop, people here are being turned on to Tuna, Scallops and Octopus, to name a few of the many seafoods used in this type of Japanese cuisine.

The Very Popular Iron Chef Roll: Salmon, Crab Salad, 
Japanese Mayo, Rice Ball and Fish Roe
One of the Lunch Bento Selections: 
Teriyaki, Sushi, Tempura and Salad
More Sushi's offering of cooked rolls like the Strictly Shrimp - Breaded Shrimp, Cream Cheese, Curry Mayo, Poached Shrimp with Chives rolled in rice or the Spider Roll  -  Fried Soft Shell Crab and Spicy Chilly Sauce, could satisfy the Sushi novice as well as the enthusiast. Rolls created for Trinis are also  good, like the Maracas Roll with Jalapenos and Dynamite Sauce and the Plantain Roll with sweet Fried Plantains sliced and artfully incorporated (very pretty to look at as well).

Octopus and Scallops on the menu and display
My passion for the Japanese national favorite can spur me to write incessantly, but I'll close here with a promise to revisit and share more of not only the delights of More Sushi, but what I have learned from my quest to better respect, savor and taste Sushi.

Miso - Japanese Soup with Fish Stock, 
Seaweed and Tofu
Sushi Bar at More Sushi

More Sushi has been in operation for over 2 years sharing the More Vino establishment and has a 'take out' outlet at the Piarco International Airport. Check out their Facebook page for more info at: and enjoy.


  1. Do you know of any places that offer sushi in the Central/Chaguanas area?

  2. TriniChow28.9.11

    The closest restaurant in Central Trinidad that serves sushi is Benihana at Trincity Mall.
